Managing Dynamic Complexity;
Problem Solving and Decision Making
Learning Objectives:
  1. To understand the systemic problem solving process
  2. To put into practice a decision making sequential framework
  3. To understand the interacting elements within a system
  4. To deal with events, patterns of behaviors and structure effectively

5s; Towards Organizational Effectiveness

Learning Objectives:

  1. To understand the concept of 5S in the simplest and practical way
  2. To provide practical guidelines in implementing 5s
  3. To initiate basic action steps in implementing 5s

Excellent Customer Service

Learning Objectives:

  1. To understand the fundamental elements in customer service
  2. To instil new paradigm in customer service
  3. To impart critical skills in customer service

Talent Management

Learning Objectives:

  1. To assist organization to accomplishing the overaching goal of talent management, namely; Highly Competent, Highly Developed and Highly Motivated Talents
  2. To establish strategic goal of talent management
  3. To build block of frameworks; Talent Identification & Procurement, Talent Building & Development and Organizational Environment & Dynamics

Nurturing the Culture of Innovation

Learning Objectives:
    1. To understand the fundamental of Innovation
    2. To learn essential components in nurturing the culture of innovation
    3. To learn the intrinsic and extrinsic skills of Innovation

    The LearningGiM

    Learning Objectives:

    1. To initiate paradigm shift and improve team behaviors
    2. To implement the LearningGim methodology in improving team results
    3. To sustain continuous improvement through GiM Workout Regime
    4. To review and document team journey and success

    Corporate Coaching and Mentoring

    Learning Objectives:

    1. To understand the fundamental of coaching and mentoring
    2. To learn critical and practical techniques in coaching and mentoring
    3. To learn dynamic communication tools used in coaching and mentoring
    4. To understand non verbal cues

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